The country's top private schools have hiked up their fees to keep up with the rising > 자유게시판

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The country's top private schools have hiked up their fees to keep up …

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작성자 Ignacio 댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 24-06-10 07:36


The country's top private schools have hiked up their fees to keep up with the rising with some asking for more than $45,000 a year.

Kambala in Rose Bay, , is the most expensive school in the country demanding parents pay $46,300 for their children studying Year 12.

Geelong Grammar School, in Victoria, comes in second with the institution asking for $46,020 in tuition fees for students enrolled in Years 10 to 12.

Among the most expensive in NSW are SCEGGS Darlinghurst which is asking for $45,044

Geelong Grammar School, in Victoria, comes in second with the institution asking for $46,020 in tuition fees for students enrolled in Years 10 to 12

Among the most expensive in NSW are SCEGGS Darlinghurst which is asking for $45,044, The Scots College for $44,600 and The King's School for $42,936.

In Victoria, Melbourne's Mount Scopus Memorial College will charge $40,860, Melbourne Girls Grammar $38,944 and Lauriston Girls' School $39,392. 

In Queensland, Brisbane Grammar School will charge $31,630, Brisbane Girls Grammar School $28,555 and Brisbane Boy's College $27,380.

Scotch College, in Western Australia, is charging $30,600, The Friend's School, in Tasmania, $22,320, and Pembroke, in South Australia, $29,418. 

Edstart, which provides loans for school fees, said it worked with 250 schools in NSW last year - a 160 per cent increase on three years ago.

Chief executive Jack Stevens said more than three quarters of schools raised their fees between three and 10 per cent.

Kambala in Rosebay, Sydney, is the most expensive school in the country demanding parents pay $46,300 for their children studying Year 12

Rising operation costs, inflation, and cuts to government funding were to blame for the hikes.

'To meet these financial demands, many schools have no choice but to pass these costs on to families,' Mr Stevens told . 

Queensland University of Technology school of teacher education Anna Hogan said parents should seriously consider whether private school was right for their children.

'In Australia, we really do suffer from this idea of the private school is the Best Private University school and the more you pay, the better your experience is going to be,' she said.

'The question is: what are you actually paying for?'


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